SF2cute  0.1
Modern C++ Library for SoundFont 2
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CGenAmountTypeAmount of generator
 CRangesTypeRange for amount of generator
 CSFInstrumentZoneInstrument zone
 CSFModulatorController in a modulator
 CSFModulatorKeyUnique key of a modulator
 CSFPresetZonePreset zone
 CSFSampleSample header and data
 CSFVersionTagVersion tag
 CSoundFontSoundFont file
 Chash< sf2cute::SFModulator >The hash template for the sf2cute::SFModulator class
 Chash< sf2cute::SFVersionTag >The hash template for the sf2cute::SFVersionTag class